Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Tuesday, October 3, 2000
Conversation with Divine Love
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Dear confidante, to increase in grace, increase in trust. The soul that gives in to temptations against trust finds grace diminishes in his soul."
"The greatest grace that will ever come to the ministry is the complete and irrefutable United Hearts revelation." A message for the ministry was given. "I am going to describe for you in simplistic terms the journey into the United Hearts. In this parable the United Hearts are represented by a great house. The soul who wishes to enter the house (the first Chamber) must use a key. This key represents the soul's free will. When he uses the key (that is surrender to the call to love) he enters the antechamber of My Heart which is My Mother's Immaculate Heart - Holy Love. Once inside this 'vestibule' the soul is curious about the rest of the house (that is, the Chambers of My Heart - Divine Love). He finds another door in front of him. Once again he must turn the key and surrender more deeply to Me - this time to holiness. Within the house finally the soul is anxious to explore the other rooms (Chambers of My Heart). Each Chamber remains secluded behind a locked door. Each room (or Chamber) the soul seeks entrance to requires a deeper submission of his own will. If he is sincere and perseveres in his efforts he will reach the most secluded room - the fifth Chamber of My Heart. Here is pure peace, love, and joy. It is in this the tiniest room of all that the soul finds complete union with the Divine Will of My Father."
"Such a soul settles into this little Chamber not wishing to be found or noticed. His only pleasure is in being there. He is in the present moment always. Take time to meditate upon this house I have shown you. The smallest Chamber of My Heart is the one in which the soul realizes the Kingdom of God within. I sit down next to the guests who come into the fifth Chamber and they are always in Me."
Source: ➥